Easy Access

We are always at your doorstep to provide you with quality service. We value our customersand work in collaboration with them to anticipate, meet and surpass their requirements and expectations.

Trusted partner

InfoGrater is led by dedicated professionals with extensive industry knowledge and expertise. They are completely focused on today's market conditions, but are constantly thinking about innovation for the future. We provide the right advice to our customers, so they are prepared to evolve. Our suggestions are a derivative of our deep understanding of the needs of the software and financial services.

Commited to success

We are immensely proud of our longstanding employee engagements. Companies and vendors choose to stay with InfoGrater because we put their best interests first and remain committed to helping them attaining their goals.


We are a dynamic team of talented people and consultantsspread across the globe and take immense pride in what we do. We boast of our diversity - amongst the team of 100+ employees, we speak more than 10 languages and this literally means that we speak your language as much as we speak InfoGrater.